Astrology’s Refresh Button: Embrace New Beginnings in December 2024
Astrology is a timeless guide to understanding the cycles of life through the movement of celestial bodies. Currently, the Sun begins a new journey in Sagittarius at zero degrees. (Happy Birthday to all our Sagittarius Sun Signs!) This cosmic shift invites us to welcome fresh opportunities for growth, exploration, and truth-seeking. It’s not just the Sun but also Pluto—a planet of profound transformation—aligning for unique beginnings, offering us a once-in-a-lifetime chance to set powerful intentions. With multiple planetary changes on the horizon, the cosmos reminds us of the perpetual renewal available to us. Are you ready to align with this transformative energy and launch on your next adventure?
Astrology is the study of the cycling planets. Each planet has its own cycle. We are starting a new cycle in the sign of Sagittarius. It is a time to look at the big picture, seek the truth, go on an adventurous trip, or be involved in law enforcement. Some may consider returning to college, publishing work, or starting a new belief system.
November 22, the Sun, technically a luminary, not a planet, moves into a new sign at zero degrees Sagittarius. It will move roughly one degree a day, and in about 28 days, the Sun moves into another refresh point, zero degrees Capricorn. This cycling occurs all year long, not just with the Sun, but all the astrological bodies.
How does this help you? Each time a celestial body moves into a zero-degree position, called an ingress, it’s time for a new beginning. Right now, Pluto and the Sun are the two ingressing planets. Many astrologers are pontificating on Pluto. Why the big deal with Pluto? It’s straightforward: Pluto’s orbiting cycle is 248 years, making it a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon! What is amazingly crazy is how, at this moment, the Sun and Pluto are starting a new cycle and are geometrically significant for opportunities. It is a great time to hit the astrology refresh button and set intentions for your lifetime. Set your intentions on the world, lofty philosophical ideas, the future of humanity, and how you can improve personally and collectively. Just like you refresh your computer, you can refresh your life using the guide of the astrological movements.
Next year, we will have four significant resets; one will be in March, and one will be in Neptune in Aries, which will be at another time. In May, Saturn also moves into Aries. In June, Jupiter moves into Cancer, and in July, Uranus moves into Gemini; all these energies will be reset to a new type of energy with excitement and enthusiasm. You all know how great it feels to get a new pair of shoes you’ve admired or move into your new home! It’s a fabulous feeling. You’ll ask how long this feeling will last; that depends on the length of the cycles. As a rule of thumb, the outer planets have the most extended cycles, such as Pluto, which is about 250 years down the line. In this article, I mention only the longer-cycling planets because they have long-term effects compared to the quick-cycling planets. If you enjoy these blogs, share them with your friends, and let’s educate the world about the marvels of astrology transits. To learn more about Astrology through easy-to-understand classes, check out our website for our monthly schedule. If you have a question relating to this blog, email me here. I usually answer the questions in upcoming blogs.
Astrology reminds us that life is a series of resets, cycles, and opportunities for growth. As the Sun and Pluto initiate a powerful new refresh or beginning, take a moment to reflect on how you can align your intentions with the profound cosmic dance. Whether it’s personal growth, collective improvement, or lofty aspirations, the energy of these ingresses empowers us to dream big and act boldly. With significant resets, next year is the perfect time to educate yourself about these cosmic influences. Please share this blog with those who would benefit from this insight, and join us in exploring astrology’s wisdom through our engaging classes. Together, let’s unlock the mysteries of the universe and step into a brighter future!