Uranus and Pluto Initiate Change
The Joys of Change: How to Thrive During Life’s Shifts
With the two planets of change, Uranus and Pluto, heavily activated until the end of this year, we are all feeling the intensity. Statistics say 20% of people like change, meaning 80% don’t. Understand there are two types of changes in astrology: irreversible/transformational and sudden/shocking.
Since 2023, we have seen the dramatic yet very slow-moving changes of Pluto, affecting top-down corporations, government, and organizations that affect all of our lives. We see how technology is changing our world in ways we have seen in Sci-Fi TV shows and movies. For more information, check out our YouTube channel.
The planet’s cycles forewarn us to be aware and go with the flow. Knowing the cycles helps you understand changes are coming and how to move through them.
With Uranus, the change is like a lightning bolt; the energy will affect us internally in the next month and more. We may get lots of inspiration, insights, downloads from God, and genius ideas. It will be very much internal, not external. Its tone will be geared towards our earthly possessions and anything that pertains to Mother Earth, land, real estate, food, buildings, money, and love; material things that give us joy. During this time, we may find a shift in what makes us happy, what we really need versus what we desire.
The remedy to all these changes is to go within, journal, meditate, be in nature, cook, and simplify your life. Focus on love and all that you love.
During these very challenging times of spiritual duality, we are called to align ourselves with the creative forces of God and disassociate ourselves from fear and hate. Look around and make the shift for yourself. Notice if your environment is filled with positive or negative energy. Are you still trying to figure it out? Are you judging and hating, or are you compassionate and understanding? Are you setting your boundaries? Try to keep your emotions balanced, with no extremes.
Let’s take a personal look at change; my planets of change were in contact with many points in my natal astrology chart, indicating irreversible and exciting change. Since March, looking for homes has been a journey. I went through many exciting changes but had tons of work to do. I was dealing with many moving parts in the process of finding a home, moving, changing addresses and utilities, and trying to keep track of all the moving parts. It has been jam-packed, to say the least; how did I survive? I rested and didn’t push. Planning was a critical component to surviving the daunting tasks of these changes. When the dust settles, yes, I will be relieved and excited.
During these changes, hundreds of synchronicities became apparent. One after the other, what does that mean? Simply put, the invisible world is continually working to help us move along our journey, to have faith and trust that everything will work out.
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