Astro therapy, healing, and metaphysically-based counseling use cosmic insights to help people face emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges. Holistic healing astrology takes astrology and metaphysics beyond self-discovery to achieve positive change.

Astro Healing
Looking at current planetary influences surely helps the healing process. Knowledge is power; knowing how planets affect your natal chart lets you understand the energies at play.
This week we have a Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3rd. Values and information are in focus, with a need to balance the two. Jupiter and the North Node unite in the sign of Taurus, suggesting to look at your financial purpose. Are you over-purchasing or stocking up unnecessarily? Look within to answer for yourself. Venus, the planet of love and money, interacts with Pluto, the planet of transformation and irreversible change. To understand these planetary influences better, look at your natal chart.
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