From cosmic alignments to inner feelings, the unseen universe plays a powerful role in our mental well-being, demonstrating that emotions are not only real but are also deeply connected to the stars.
Are you feeling emotionally overwhelmed? If so, this article will help you understand the bigger picture. Do you want to better understand what the world is going through? This article is for you.
We know many factors influence our behavior and that there are consequences to our actions. Fortunately, we have innovative tools to understand our behavior better. If you’re curious about how astrology and psychic insights can help in daily life, read on.
Let’s start with astrology, a tool used since recorded human history. Symbols of the sky have been found in caves and continue to appear through today. Sadly, astrology was banned during parts of history, especially with the onset of organized religion. In the 1500s, Christian monks were often astrologers, mathematicians, astronomers, and physicians. Notably, some astrological house systems were even created by monks. It’s essential to understand why astrology and psychic or medium readings were once deemed “evil.” History shows that emperors and world leaders have used astrology and psychic readings to gain insights for solving problems.
Psychic and astrological insights have been considered “evil” for various reasons:
- Evil is seen as separation from God; if psychic and astrological insights are not used in conjunction with God, they may separate you from God.
- Relying entirely on an astrologer or psychic, thereby giving away your free will, is not considered godly.
- Without a strong mind or alignment with God, one might inadvertently invite negative energies.
With the explosion of information through the internet, we now know more about the existence of spirits and the invisible realm, which includes quantum physics, nuclear energy, angels, vibrations, and frequencies. When exploring the invisible world, we must stay aligned with God.
We live in an age of information overload, often leading to confusion and misinformation. We need to ask ourselves what we believe, what our values are, and if these have changed over time. How are beliefs and emotions related? Ultimately, we must choose between happiness and hatred, peace and turmoil, reality and illusion.
Personally, my world has changed dramatically in the past week. The pain and suffering in our country, along with the lack of compassion, deeply saddens me. Where has our unity gone? Our egos seem supercharged to the point where rationality is compromised. Does it matter who is right or wrong if it leads to self-hatred or suffering? Are we in control of our thoughts, or are we manipulated into hatred and pain? These are questions only you can answer for yourself.
For the first time in almost 70 years, I see how dark forces may be influencing today’s lightworkers. I believe negative forces are affecting our collective mental health. How can we help? If you’re not in pain, be patient and compassionate toward those who are. If you are in pain, try to seek help or find ways to help yourself. I included an emotional scale to help guide you toward elevated emotions. Moving from overwhelm to joy may not happen in one step, but small steps—like going from overwhelm to anger, then to neutrality, acceptance, and finally love—can make a difference.
I am watching the United States become unhinged and disunited, largely due to beliefs, values, morals, and emotions. Where do these beliefs come from? What defines your truth?
For the past two weeks, I’ve researched how dark forces may or may not influence humanity. We must understand that we have free will. We can find citations to support any belief system, but if you choose to live happily and on a higher emotional scale, this knowledge can shed constructive and objective light on the subject.
I always enjoy listening to others and understanding their values, beliefs, and goals. I love looking at their natal charts to reveal their cosmic makeup, a powerful tool of objectivity. The planets, beyond our control, do invisibly influence us collectively and individually.
On the spiritual side, I know the spiritual world is real and has an influence on us. After my extensive research, I believe that not all who work with the invisible world are evil or demonic. Fr. Dan Reehil’s claim that astrology and psychic readings are demonic made me pause and investigate further. Fr. Reehil, a newly appointed exorcist with a background on Wall Street and a history of overcoming addiction, has a different perspective than Fr. Vincent Lampert, an exorcist with a distinct view on evil. I resonate more with Fr. Lampert’s understanding:
- Only God is supernatural.
- Demonic forces can propose but never impose.
- Cursed or dark objects can be cleansed by God.
- God is good and love.
- God never forsakes us.
- Blame, guilt, and other negative emotions are dark forces.
- People can only be possessed if they willingly open the door.
Returning to the 1800s, a French professor named Allan Kardec conducted research to validate mediumship, ultimately writing The Spirit’s Book. Kardec’s scientific approach confirmed mediumship’s accuracy and revealed three types of spirits: two harmful, one safe. He stressed that only spirits fully aligned with God are safe.
Many ask why a good God would allow these energies to cause suffering. Philosophers and theologians offer various views, but after years of meditation and research, I believe God allows us to make choices based on free will.
Astrology’s picture of 2025 shows Pluto transitioning from Capricorn to Aquarius. This air sign, associated with the mind, intelligence, and the invisible, aligns well with our growing acceptance of astrology and metaphysics. Christians often deemed metaphysics demonic, but this raises questions about what truly constitutes darkness. Many consider evil as the absence of God’s light, making it a parasitic energy.
With Pluto, the planet of transformation and irreversible change, we are bound to see significant advancements in medicine, human rights, technology, and more. Pluto’s influence often involves themes of death, loss, and letting go, symbolizing our shift from Capricorn’s social controls toward Aquarius’ collective, humanitarian energy.
Understanding our nature as energetic beings, and how our energy fields (chakras and meridians) respond to frequencies, gives us a clearer picture of how spiritual forces affect us. The recent discovery of the quantum world, although invisible, supports our understanding of creation and spirituality.
As we live in these exciting times, ruled by Aquarius’ planet Uranus, ask yourself: am I happy? Am I at peace? Do I love my life? Reflect on what brings you joy, peace, and gratitude. Always remember that consciousness starts with each individual. Our perspective—whether we see the glass as half full or half empty—shapes our lives.
I hope you enjoyed this article. If you’d like to discuss your astrology chart with me, visit our website to schedule a convenient time. Blessings and love, Ev