Unlocking the Mysteries: 7 Ways to Communicate with Spirits
For centuries, people have sought ways to communicate with the spirit world, hoping to connect with loved ones who have passed. Here are seven fascinating and accessible ways to communicate with spirits.
Before starting this journey you MUST connect ONLY with the spirit of truth, God or the creator. There are three types of spirits; the spirit of truth, mischievous and evil spirits. By asking your creator to connect you are safe. I always clear my space with frankincense and say prayers for God’s guidance. I always have Holy Oil on my wrists and sprinkle Holy Water to clear the space.
Mental Telepathy: The Mind’s Secret Language
Telepathy is perhaps the most subtle and personal method of spirit communication. It involves receiving thoughts, feelings, or images directly into your mind from your angels, your departed loved ones, or spirit guides. You might experience this as sudden insights, random thoughts that feel significant, or even visual images that appear out of nowhere.
How to Practice:
Meditation: Regular meditation can quiet your mind, making it easier to discern telepathic messages. If you are new to meditation, start with a few minutes at a time. There are many apps and YouTube videos with various mediations. See which feels best for you.
Set Intentions: Before meditating or sleeping, set an intention to receive messages from God, your guardian angel or your departed loved one.
Stay Open: Trust your intuition and be open to the unexpected.
Spirits often communicate through subtle ideas or inspirations that pop into your head. These thoughts can feel different from your regular thinking patterns—more profound, urgent, or out of the blue. They are random and quick. Don’t second guess it.
How to Recognize:
Journal: Keep a journal to note sudden ideas or inspirations that feel out of place. Try our Guided By God Journal. While they last click here to purchase.
Pay Attention: Notice if these ideas come with a sense of urgency or a feeling of being guided. We have all felt a sense not to go to a certain place or not go down a certain street and later finding out you were spared an accident or tragic event. The signs are very subtle and easy to miss or are ignored.
Act on It: Sometimes, acting on these inspirations can lead to confirming signs from the spirit world.
Electronic Interference: Spirits in the Digital Age
Have you ever noticed your electronics going haywire for no apparent reason? Flickering lights, unexpected glitches, or turning on and off devices can be signs of spirit communication. This happens to me quite often, I stop what I am doing and take a few deep breaths and I’ll get messages. The more you do this practice being still and asking who are you? What do you want? What is your message? The more signs you’ll get.
How to Identify:
Patterns: Look for consistent patterns or specific times when these disturbances occur. They usually connect when you are doing something where you are quiet, like brushing your teeth, in the bath or shower, in the ocean while swimming. Since spirit is electrical, water is a great conductor of spirit. Check out my YouTube Video.
Ask for Signs: Verbally or mentally, ask the spirit to show their presence through one particular electronic sign. This usually happens after a loved one transitions to the other side. They are trying to let you know they are ok. Want more info watch Hidden Truth of Mediumship Revealed, click here.
Document: Record these occurrences to see if there’s a correlation with your spiritual practices. For years I used a “proof” journal. It was proof for me that indeed I was connecting, which strengthens intuition.
Dreams: The Nighttime Portal
Dreams are a common and powerful way to receive messages from the spirit world. Our conscious mind is less guarded in dreams, making communicating easier for spirits. Remember dreams are two dimensional like a sheet of paper and visitations are three dimensional. You usually get a feeling of peace. If you get startled, that’s ok, that’s normal.
How to Enhance:
Dream Journal: Keep a journal by your bed to write down your dreams immediately upon waking.
Set Intentions: Before sleeping, ask for a message or guidance from a specific spirit.
Analyze: Look for recurring themes, symbols, or direct messages in your dreams. Spirit is very persistent when they are trying to tell you something or warn you about something.
Physical Sensations: Feeling Their Presence
Spirits can also make their presence known through physical sensations. You might feel a sudden chill, a light touch, warmth, and comfort. Whenever you get goosebumps after you just mentioned something, know they are affirming what you said. It’s a validation.
How to Tune In:
Mindfulness: Practice being mindful of your body’s sensations, especially in moments of stillness.
Acknowledge: When you feel a sensation, acknowledge it and ask the spirit for further communication.
Compare: Note any differences in sensation when you think about specific spirits.
Synchronicities: Meaningful Coincidences
Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that seem too perfect to be mere chance. These events can be a way for spirits to communicate messages or affirm their presence. What happens in the spiritual realm is your spiritual advisors work behind the scenes to align the right people, places and things to fulfill your desires. Angel numbers are not synchronicities. They have hidden meanings, check out my video here.
How to Notice:
Keep a Log: Write down any coincidences that feel significant or out of the ordinary.
Reflect: Consider the context and timing of these events. Do they answer a question or concern you had?
Express Gratitude: Acknowledge and thank the spirits for these signs, fostering further communication.
Using Divination Tools: Bridging the Gap
Tools like tarot cards, pendulums, or automatic writing can help facilitate communication with the spirit world. For beginners I recommend oracle cards instead of tarot. Pick the deck that feels best. These tools act as a bridge, translating spiritual energy into understandable messages.
How to Use:
Choose Your Tool: Select a divination tool that resonates with you.
Create a Ritual: Establish a regular practice or ritual to use the tool, setting a respectful and focused atmosphere.
Interpret: Learn to interpret the messages you receive, remembering that practice and patience are essential.
Final Thoughts
Communicating with spirits is a deeply personal and often profound experience. While it requires an open mind and a sensitive approach, the rewards of connecting with the spirit world can be both comforting and enlightening. Remember, the more you practice, the more attuned you’ll become to the subtle ways spirits reach out. Whether through telepathy, electronic signs, or meaningful dreams, the spirits are always closer than we think, waiting to share their wisdom and love. Remember practice builds your intuition muscle. Need a psychic/medium reading? Click Here.